JUC-835 Married woman reporting false scoop, blackmailed... ~Professional baseball player scandal edition~ Hirono Imai

Hirono is a married woman who works as a reporter for a newspaper company. One day, she is entrusted with the scoop on a dark suspicion of a big-time professional baseball player. His opponent is 37-year-old Kazushi Shimizu, a popular professional baseball team's star player. Hirono was chosen because he likes women. Immediately, Shimizu takes a liking to her and she goes to the bar he suspects he frequents. There, Hirono obtained crucial information, but she was not close to the truth.
Title:JUC-835 偽りのスクープ人妻取材記者、脅迫されて…。 ~プロ野球選手スキャンダル編~ 今井ひろの
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