EBOD-571 A story about how my favorite childhood friend, a pure girl, became a woman by having sex with a thug she recently met. Koharu Suzuki

The main character, Ryosuke, has been in love with his childhood friend Ayane Fujishima for a long time. However, everything changed after she started a relationship with a thug from the same club... E-BODY miraculously faithfully reproduces NTR's works from the popular doujin circle NV! The lead role is Koharu Suzuki, a fair-skinned, figure-bodied beautiful girl whose collaboration work with the original work was very popular! As soon as a pure and innocent JK learns how good sex is
Title:EBOD-571 僕の好きな幼なじみのピュアなあの子が最近知り合ったチンピラ野郎と子作り交尾でメス化していた話 鈴木心春
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